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a Podcast by


Financial Coach / Speaker/ Mentor

Being financially free isn’t just about making money. You also have to manage it well. The Strive podcast dives deep into saving, investing, and building lasting wealth.

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The show notes 


A few weeks ago, as of the time of this recording, I unexpectedly lost a good friend. He died of a heart attack leaving behind his wife and teenage daughter. This hit me hard, both for having lost a friend and as I considered what his daughter was going through after this traumatic experience, being a dad as well. 

I had to ask myself, do I make each day count? Do you? 

It’s not always easy, especially these days, to live with true intention. We have so much going on and so many distractions that days fly by without us really understanding what took up our time. 

So I challenge you to make it a point to live with intention and make each day count. Here are some tips I’ve used in my own life and I hope they help you. 

First, start with gratitude. Go beyond being grateful for your family, life, and health. Each day find something new that you’re grateful for. Next, build meaningful connections. It doesn’t matter how many connections you have if you never dig deeper and have real conversations with them. 

This next one is truly for everyone. Stop being so busy all the time. We give ourselves busy work and fill our days with inane tasks. Don’t be afraid to have a short task list so that you can make it a point to live your life without working 24/7. 

Lastly, remember to help one person every day. It can be something as small as a smile and a good morning for your barista or as big as picking up the check at a restaurant. You never know what someone in your life may be going through, so the smallest gesture can mean a ton. 

So, friend, how are you going to make today count? 


In this episode:

[01:04] A few weeks ago I unexpectedly lost a good friend which made me ask, do I make each day count? 

[03:27] You have the ability to make your life and time count. 

[04:00] One way you can make it count is to lead with gratitude. 

[05:34] Next, you want to build meaningful connections. 

[07:11] We need to stop being busy. 

[08:20] Relearn the meaning behind H.O.P.E.